*Download the Burn Permit Request Form and Fireworks Law below.
2718 N Ridge Rd E, Ashtabula, OH 44004

Know two ways to get out in case of a fire!
Change your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detectors!

"Thank you for the support on our recent levies! Have a safe and happy holiday season!"
The Ashtabula Township Fire Rescue responds to any call for help! Including Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical Services, Hazardous Materials, and Water Rescue Incidents.
We are staffed 24 hours a day with Fire-Fighter Paramedics providing Advanced Life Support, Treatment, and Transport.
Personnel includes the:
*Fire Chief
*Administrative Training Officer
*12 Career Fire-Fighter Paramedics
*5 part-time Fire-Fighters with EMT or
Paramedic Certifications.
Equipment includes:
*Sutphen Shield Engines (2004 and 2016)
*Sutphen TS90 Ariel (1994)
*3 Ford E-450 Braun Ambulances (2013, 2020, 2021)
*3 Ford F-Series Support Vehicles
*1 Kawasaki UTV
*1 Hazmat Trailer

The Ashtabula Township Fire Department was started fifty-four years ago when a Fire Levy was approved in November of 1949. Mr. Bruce Harrison was appointed Fire Prevention Officer by the Township Trustees and given the authority in 1953 to purchase a used 1, 200 gallon water tank truck to be used for rural fires in assisting the City Fire Department.
As the years progressed, Mr. Harrison had a "dream" that one day in the not too distant future, Ashtabula Township would have to accept the responsibilities for Fire protection of it's citizens.
In the year 1963, this building was erected as the future Fire Station. As the years went on, equipment was purchased and many fires were fought by Mr. Harrison and his "Road Crew" assisting the City Fire Department. Both in serious fires in the city and serious fires in the township. Bruce Harrison's Crew was praised many times by the former Fire Chief A. T. Rohl and Chief James Doran for their able assistance for more than twenty-one years.
In May of 1973, the Ashtabula Township Trustees felt that now is the time to organize a Volunteer Fire Department. To date we have forty men in training and a Chief Officer and Assistant who is also a Training Officer.
When we went into operation on midnight December 31, 1973 all FIRE CALLS in Ashtabula Township were answered from this station. Two (2) men were on duty twenty?four hours a day seven days a week. The men worked six (6) hour shifts (four per day) and were paid $1.50 per hour plus $3.00 per Fire Call. A Plectron Radio Alert System notified Off-Duty Firemen in each volunteer's home, so that he could answer all alarms when received.
Fire service ignited 30 years ago
Ashtabula Township Fire Department evolves over time
Diana Lewis
Staff Writer (Star Beacon)
Beginning at the stroke of midnight, on Dec. 31, 1973, all fire calls in Ashtabula Township were answered by its own full- time volunteer fire department.
But the roots of the Ashtabula Township Fire Department, which is celebrating its 30th year in the safety services business, go back much further than that.
The department's genesis resulted from a fire levy approved by the township voters in November 1949.
At that time, Bruce Harrison was appointed fire prevention officer by the township trustees.
In 1953, he was given the authority to purchase a used 1,200 gallon water tank truck. The vehicle was to be used for rural fires and to assist the city of Ashtabula Fire Department, which was contracted to provide fire protection for the township.
Full responsibility
As time went on, Harrison dreamed that one day the township would take full responsibility for the fire protection of its citizens.
In 1963, 10 years after that first equipment purchase, the building which now houses the fire department was built. Years passed, equipment was purchased, and many fires were fought by Harrison and his "Road Crew," as it was called, still assisting the city fire department.
But as the township grew, and major industries existed cheek-to-jowl with residential and recreational areas, it became obvious that a full time fire department was needed.
In May 1973, Ashtabula Township trustees decided to organize the township fire department with an eye toward terminating its contract with the city by the end of the year.
The department already had a pumper, tanker and gas fire truck. To prepare for the change, it purchased a fire chief's car, a rescue van and another pumper.
24 hours a day
And beginning New Year's Day 1974, the station was staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
There were 60 volunteer firefighters at the time. They worked two man, six hour shifts, four a day. They were paid $1.50 an hour, plus $3 a fire call.
Off duty firefighters were notified of fire calls by a radio alert system.
At that time, Harry McClimans, a retired city firefighter was hired as the first fire chief. Clyde Stevenson was assistant chief.
Michael Wheeler took over as chief in 1977. But he left in early 1980 to take a job as director of the Ashtabula County Emergency Management Agency.
Celebrating 30 years with the Ashtabula Township Fire Department are, from left, Firefighter Bob Reiser, Safety Inspector Frank Bernato, Chief Michael Fitchet, and Assistant Chief Dave Plants. The four are in front of the first pumper the township bought in 1973.

Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Telephone: (440) 997- 4641
Fax: (440) 992-1406
500 Terry Francois Street
San Francisco, CA 94158
Tel: 123-456-7890
Fax: 123-456-7890